Sunday 11 September 2011

Kill List

I try to shy away from drawing comparisons but throughout this film you can't help but notice many homages. Having said that if I tell you any it will completely ruin the films ability to shock and unsettle you.

If your a fan of feeling really uncomfortable this film is for you. Is it a horror? I have no idea! You can't slap a genre tag on this. It's a true hybrid. This film will have you feeling really uncomfortable & it's hard to pin point why. The intensity of every scene is unrelenting, a simple dinner scene somehow has the ability to make you feel like your going to shit your pants. Maybe this is largely down to the score and the claustrophobic camera work.

The film follows two hitmen, they take a job from a mysterious, frankly weird acting chap & that's all I can tell you, the film then twists and weaves it's way to the finale leaving you with your jaw on the ground.

Go on to YouTube, watch the trailer and then get your arse to the cinema. The atmosphere created Is going to be much be 10 times better at a cinema than on home DVD. I can't recommend it high enough. 9/10

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