Sunday 11 September 2011


Right, so I've been uber lazy lately and not posted anything. I'm going to try and post something at least once a week, whether it be reviews or news. In the meantime a brief catch up on what i've seen.


I had low expectations for this, I had seen the shit fest that was NO STRINGS ATTACHED last year. I was expecting more of the same but was pleasantly surprised. It is witty, the dialogue is sharp, the chemistry is great between the leads, the pop shots at other films was fun but the story was formulaic. It's classic Romcom story but that doesn't stop you enjoying it. 6/10.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: This was a while back now so I'm going to summarise with short sentences and one word statements. Tiresome, predictable, worst villain ever, not interesting after the first 25 mins. 4/10

THE SKIN I LIVE IN: This one is amazing, I can't recommend it high enough. Banderas is sinisterly magnificent, the direction is top notch & the twists and turns are mind boggling. Really the least you know the best. The trailer gives nothing away and that's a good thing. There are some really interesting camera angles, themes & the mise-en-scene was spectacular. Almodovar is a true auteur and in the hands of anyone else this plot could have become quite contrived and quite ridiculous. 9/10

MR POPPERS PENGUINS: Dire, I'm not sure if this will even hold a childs attention. 2/10

I've seen a lot more but I'm struggling to recall it all on this early morning.

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