Wednesday 20 July 2011

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 2

SynopsisHarry, Ron and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord once and for all.

I caught this Film opening day, at midnight to be precise. The fact that I was one of the first to see it and have only just wrote my review can only speak volumes about my own laziness or the films inability to wow me. 

First of, I'll open with some honesty. I have never been a Harry Potter fan but was thoroughly surprised by how much I actually enjoyed The Deathly Hallows Part 1. I enjoyed all the character bonding in the woods and was blown away by the short animation exploring the story of the three brothers. 

Truthly there is nothing really wrong with this film, but at the same time its pretty bland & forgettable entertainment. All the interesting story from part 1 appears to have been replaced with cat & mouse sequences and overblown action which we have seen numerous times in the films predecessors.

If you haven't seen the any previous films theres not much point heading to see this. You will be out of sync with the story and to Warner Bros credit there is no playing catch up at the beginning. If you haven't watched the first 7 films, TOUGH! Where have you been??

There are some highly enjoyable action sequences, the vault break in is a highlight and the CGI in it is top draw. The film is sprinkled with light hearted humour throughout, but for me it just didn't work. Having said that the cinema was at full capacity & roaring with laughter at anything as small as a sly glance from Ron. There was cheering and hollering a plenty any time Harry & his crew outwitted The Dark Lord and his half thought out plans.

There were large sections of the film where Ron and Hermione disappear on there own adventures and we never see whats happening. For a franchise that is based on its 3 central characters friendships its disappointing that there only use in this film is to provide that long awaited kiss and allow the audience to swoon. 

The acting is solid from the central characters but some of the supporting members can be a bit cringeworthy. Daniel Radcliffe is not an actor i rate, he is solid as Harry Potter but thats it. Do you really think he could do anything else? I can see him pigeon holed as the fantasy caper boy for his entire life. Ralph Fiennes is fantastically sinister as Voldermort and literally chews up every scene he's in making all around him look like mere turd munching amateurs. As good as Fiennes is he can't escape the 'who can make the most intensely constipated face at a special effects wizard blast' For my money Fiennes wins largely aided by his hefty make up.

SPOILER - My biggest problem with magic based films is that no matter what the problem there is always a magical solution. When the slow witted Harry finally realises he is connected to Voldermort (Seriously, a slug could of worked that out) and that he must also die to stop him, you just know there is going to be a solution. Then what do you know a 'resurrection crystal' Problem solved, Potential for more books, films, merchandise, money, money & more money. At the time of writing this it is my understanding the JK Rowling (a slightly less haggard looking Gillian McKeith) will be rolling in more money Duck Tails style as she is in the process of re-visiting Hogwarts with a new book. IT ALL ENDS HERE, not likely............

If your trying to make your mind up whether to watch 2D or 3D? go with 2D. There is barely any 3D in this and the picture quality is so dull. Save yourself the money! If you do go 3D don't buy the HP special 3D glasses, they are too small and irritating on your face, especially if you already wear glasses.

Summary: A rather bland ending and not a patch on the superior Part 1. The final scene that offers closure almost unravels everything done via cheese. However the chance to see The Dark Knight rises trailer cannot be missed! 5/10

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